On the eve of summer - safe sunbathing




Immediately approaching the expected summer. Traveling time, traveling and plenty of energizing sunshine. A source of vitamin D, the source of perfect mood and the perpetrator of many opportunities for relaxation. It also saddens the risks that must be borne in mind - otherwise, instead of the source of joy, it will be the cause of serious drama.


Do not underestimate the dangers

Women's press, television commercials and internet banners on the sun and flowing from its excess of threats speak a lot. Often, however, these tips are treated with little respect and with a grain of salt - assuming it is such a scare. So we will start with the so-called coarse pipe, putting coffee on the bench and telling you what an overwhelming amount of sunshine at the same time as lack of protection can cause:

  • Intense, but the lightest effect is simply burn - painful, reddened, tense skin, which, like after boiling, needs time to regenerate and return to form.
  • Persistent discoloration - brown spots and unevenness appear in the skin color, their diameter can reach a few centimeters, and although the tan is less visible when the tan is gone, they will stay with us permanently (removal of them is a costly aesthetic surgery).
  • Skin aging - dehydrated, damaged and exposed to the loss of nutrients skin aging at an accelerated rate. Wrinkles come much faster than they would naturally.
  • Finally, the worst - the tragic - the effect of downplaying the power of the sun - skin cancer. Melanoma is an absolute type of cancer, and its incidence is largely responsible for solar radiation. There is nothing to write here - the consequences are all too clear.

None of the above problems is trivial. What's more - sunbathing in the strong sun without protecting the skin, we have no idea which of the consequences will come to us to measure. It is therefore highly recommended. Here are some helpful tips.

Priceless filters

The simplest way to protect your skin from radiation exposure is through filters - in creams, sprays, mist, olives and any other formulation applied to the skin. Importantly, such a cosmetic must have protection against both UVA and UVB radiation. The application should be made in advance, with protection starting around 20 minutes after application.

If sunbathing is accompanied by a bath, repeat each application after each one, supplementing the rinsed protective layer. But without the bath, the application should also be repeated every 2-3 hours.

Keep in mind that sunbathing is not just lying on the beach deck. The sun affects the skin also while riding a bike, walking, and even in the shade and on cloudy days. UV rays are also easily penetrated by clouds - when we think that we do not have what we sunbath.

How to choose the best cosmetics?

Shop choice is down. Big enough to make it a bit difficult. We will try to lighten the matter a bit, making it easier to make an informed decision.

There are two basic types of filters - mineral and chemical. The latter convert the radiation into heat, and the first one bounces off the skin.

Mineral filters are stronger, more effective - and consequently, recommended for sensitive people, children, older people, pregnant women and all those who need uncompromisingly strong sunscreen. They are also suitable for hypersensitivity, AZS and allergy sufferers. They are less comfortable to use - they leave a whitish film on the skin and they absorb less slowly.

Chemical filters are absorbed quickly, leaving no trace of the skin, but they interfere with make-up cosmetics. Their action also needs, more often than mineral, to renew.

It is important to remember not only the skin, but also the hair and the mouth. For hair can be found light mist spray with filter, a whole range of lipstick. In the case of make-up - a lot of cosmetics (sleepers, powders) have appropriate protective filters.

People with sensitive skin, children, people with light skin should use so-called blockers - that is, filters with the highest strength - SPF about 50.

No matter how many filter formulas are "after the season", it is not allowed under any circumstances to use it in the following year. Opened cosmetics must be used within the time specified on the packaging (usually up to 12 months). Excessive filter cream not only does not provide adequate protection, but it is also highly sensitive.

What instead?

Tanning is not fashionable at all. Due to its detrimental effect, the price is rather the skin in balance with a natural shade. And if you like the golden brownish skin tone in summer, consider a healthy alternative.

If your thoughts moved towards the solarium - it's even worse than the natural sun - even more dangerous and harmful.

But there are safe and effective ways to get a pretty tan without risk.

Available in the market is a whole range of creams and coloring sprays - give the skin a different shade and degree of tan, while moisturizing and elasticating the epidermis. In the beauty salons you can use the so-called. Spray tanning - self tanning sprayer evenly sprayed with a special device.


Additional plus self tanning is a year-round accessibility and quick effect - the skin changes color after a few hours.


"Making in cooperation with portal www.promocjelotnicze.com.pl "

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6 years ago
Haha.. ten gościu ze zdjęcia dobry, to chyba z jakiegoś filmu, kto zna tytuł?
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